Everyone and their dog: end of the year update
As the year ends, I post this as a quick recap on the progress of my research. For a few months I have been resetting the focus of my projects on the most endangered: dissidents, minorities, professionals at high risk of breaking down and/or being torn apart by savage contexts, as well as common users trapped and suffering the worse offenses in psychiatric contexts… always keeping in mind the already clear goal of exploring in avant-garde contexts such as military, elite sports and space medicine, the best ways to provide optimal solutions to redeploy those where most needed.
All in all, do my best to help translate the cutting edge into real practice, bridge the interdisciplinary and cultural gaps, and make a difference with the chance I am enjoying thanks to the trust and support from my research center, colleagues, and the minitry who selected us, me, the project I am working towards for the betterment of our health system. The main goal keeps on being the one stated in my contract since day zero (or one, for those less inclined to think in computer science fashion): assess the implementation of decision support systems in mental health care.
Who is entitled to have the upper hand in those situations, who counts for nothing, and who is not even aknowledged as a person to be listened. How is technology working and contributing towards a better scenario (availability of data, case histories open to scrutiny of users and other specialists and practitioners, research coordination,…), the information and knowledge engineering through the pipelines of protocols, legal frameworks,