On forced organ harvesting from alive donors
and life threats to silence us all from sharing and taking action
First of all, it has been one of the greatest honours of my life to host David Matas. I hope the threat to his own life never materialises, and his work keeps on shining a bright light on the need to end the atrocities he has exposed and contributed massively to trying to solve.
Madness and hatred, the folly of aggression to no end. Myself, like other of his hosts before me, was threatened after this session of the event. Barely a couple of days afterwards, with increaing violence against myself in a daily basis since then. Not showing my beaten face, despite holding the evidence. We live under threat, and this was neither the first time: how we can help others be safer, remain ourselves safe. For those in worse situtions, respectfully asking for a moment of reckoning as to why even loved ones can turn against each other. Againt persons delivering and allowing a simple exposition of a reality shuch as this one.
If any of the subscribers would like to honour the victims of Falung Gong, one of the communities most affected by forced organ trafficking thus far Worldwide, please send me an email. It is also a major honor to have had given the chance to organize a private scholars and investigators screening for the film Eternal Spring.
A spring of tears, if one wished to open the gates. More events are on the horizon, more talks and the publication of all transcripts as promised. May this not be the last chance for any of us to share and communicate, to speak from the heart.
Edit, still a draft version of this added text: Truth be told, my own kids have barely know yet a day in which I, as his father, nor them, have been allowed a day in loving peace together. Buildings falling apart not far nearby in our European Union, we feel for each word with the weight of the relativity of no Einstein to figure... may we need to tone down? Or build up strength, think of the foundation he himself set up to help displaced families through the International Rescue Committee.
Yet, it is true as it is simple. We lived under risk of actively being punished to silence, kids taken away. Them achieved for long. Happy this veil is starting to be lifted on us. There is still a real chance of retaliatory moves, reprisals as rehearsals to finally end our lives and that of many: we speak up to prevent it. To be seen, as well, to wave our hands before it is too late for ourselves and many more to end unnoticed. Scared more of being killed fast or slow, being abused and deprived of any opportunity of working and speaking up, than being drowned swallowing our words and actions not taken to resurface and hopefully be able to help others.
Despite the obvious reality of today's World, we are sharing and working to end the tyranny upon those who could not find a way out of worse situations still. Do our little bit, even if only hosting. It was an honor to listen to David Matas, the rest of speakers. Resuming work as soon as possible.
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